Tuesday, October 20, 2009

More hair inspiration

So you know how I'm all worried that I'm going to look like The Donald on my wedding day? There may yet be hope. In case you haven't seen, I looked like this at my step-sister's wedding this past August:

(Left: Kenny Backer Photography; Center and Right: personal images)

The hairstyle, which I didn't absolutely hate, is not all that dissimilar from a style I just found that I actually like. I mean, who doesn't want to look like Freida Pinto?


Dilemma: Ms. Pinto has longer, thicker hair than I do (at least it seems that way in these pictures). This is pretty much my problem with every hairstyle I pick. So I'm committed and I'm not gonna fight it no more—I'm getting extensions. I'm going to try to stop by a beauty supply shop in a few weeks and figure out (1) if the Euronext extensions you lovely ladies have been telling me about are the right product for me, and (2) if anyone has any idea how the heck I'm supposed to get these onto my head.

Am I the only one who has been this frustrated about their wedding hair? What did you do to compensate?


  1. How do you know Alena!??!?!?! She's my friend and her sister is my bridesmaid!!!!!!! BIZARRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ps that is also my fave pic of her hair!)

  2. RANDOMNESS! I don't actually know her; I ran into her Tumbler from I don't remember where and we used to comment on each other's old blogs waaaay back in the day. What a strangely small world. :) But thanks for the reminder that I should check with real people before I post things like this. ;) Maybe I'll shoot her an email to get permission before I put it back up.

  3. I can't wait to see how the extensions turn out!


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